
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

a little love note to 2011-12

I was thinking today how great this year has been/is. As I look ahead to another birthday in just a few months, I began thinking back to my last birthday and I have to say – this year has been an especially good one. Actually, it's been a great one.

There are so few years I can recall being this consistently good.

I've seen myself grow as a person. Take a few emotional risks. Develop both personally and professionally. Good people have entered my life. I've eased into my person and felt more comfortable being me. In fact, I feel more "me" than I did last year.

It's truly been a gift and in the years ahead, I hope I'll think back to this time in my life and smile.

Oh my blog is looking sad and abandoned

I'll have to remedy this. ...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Simple is not simplest

I'm trying to reconstruct my blog. I figure if I make it pretty and something that I'm actually proud of, I might get back to blogging with some consistency.

While I realize it will never be the most amazing thing on the Internet, I've noticed that all my fave blogs have very clean templates. As such, I stripped away all the excess and am trying to blog simply (it's harder than I thought!)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today was a fabulous day/ what a week ahead

Nothing feels better than moving stuff off your plate. It feels so good to check things off the list and finish them.

Ahh. I just want to enjoy this feeling for a few minutes. It doesn't last forever.

As a sidebar: my sister is getting married this weekend!

Naturally, it's going to be an incredibly busy week; it will whirr by. I am happy, I am sad, I am excited, I am nervous, I am energized, I am exhausted; I am a bit of everything — but all the good feelings are winning out!

This is one of those periods in life when you just feel things moving forward in good ways. I love the fall. Everything feels fresh with new possibilities and beginnings. Anticipation for the year ahead of you.

September: so far you haven't disappointed...

Friday, September 16, 2011

If today you happened to pass a girl freezing her butt off on a bench by the water

That may have been me, eating my lunch, in my favourite spot. Weather be damned! I'm not ready to give up my spot yet :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lots on the go!

Sometimes it's better to just turn the brain off.

No more thinking ahead; I just want to live in the moments right in front of me.

I don't want to anticipate anything: good or bad.

Today is my day to just ride the wave.